家之折(展品) / Family Folding(exhibit)

[Graduate Graduation Design]

Family Spatial Memories Exhibition
Curation and Booklet Folding-structure Design


Folding, as a kind of daily life experience embodied in the body, fills up the domestic space nowadays. “Family Folding” extracts the phenomenon of folding objects in daily organisation and storage, and combines it with the paper booklet in the context of the exhibition to form four different paper folding structures without glue or staples, and discusses “folding” in terms of “folding”. Folding” is discussed in terms of “folding”. By flipping through the different booklets, the four spatial relationships of thickness, size, length, front and back in the process of household organisation and storage are expressed.



The home is a mobile exhibition space in which objects are exhibited and removed from time to time. How do you observe this space with a flat view? I chose the folded perspective. Folding” here is not only the process of bending paper and fabric to make their visual area smaller, such as fabric paper; “folding” is also the process of hiding and “cleaning” objects with the help of foldable metal or wooden hinge elements, such as cabinet door and box covers. Folding” is also the process of concealing and “cleaning up” objects with the help of foldable metal or wooden hinge elements, as in the case of cabinet door lids. When viewed from a particular viewing plane, these objects, when folded, present a change in plan layout. Folding is also a common structure used by paper exhibition brochures. So I thought, why not use the folding structure of the exhibition catalogue itself to try to show the “folding” phenomenon in this exhibition venue? So I chose four types of folding and used my own belongings and some of my family’s belongings as research materials to create a fictional family exhibition in the catalogue.

2024/5/24 – 6/6
2024/5/24 – 6/6
Family Folding: Flat Folding Exhibition of Family Spatial Memories, Graduate Exhibition of Academy of Art and Design
AAD Art Center Hall, Tsinghua University
Beijing, China

Time Stamp | 2024/6/6
Concept | Wang Rui
Design | Wang Rui
Exhibition Curation | Wang Rui
Supervisor | Li Degeng
Academic Director | Li Degeng, Cui Xiaosheng, Xu Xiaoding
Content Research Source | Tian Zhen, Wang Mingfei, Tian Zhaokuai, Liu Wencai, Wang Renye, Du Shuxiu
Tester | Zhang Kejia, Li Ye, Huang Yijie
Photographs | Wang Rui, Fu Leying
Producting Support | Meicaida Printing, Sanrenjiang Showcase, Jingren Paperlogue, Senluo Wanxiang Paper, Fengshang Printing
Special Thanks | Yuan Qi, Yu Bin, Yue Jian Li, Zhou Tao, Xia Yanfeng, Cai Qizhen, Zhang Kejia, Li Ye, Huang Yijie, Wang Shaofan, Wang Chen
Report | Jingxiang 233, Diameter Design, Nothing Here, Overlap Design

[径象233]:径象233硕士毕设作品分享 (三)
[空想塔NOTHINGHERE]: 收起媚态的艺术才能打破边界 Artist or Graduate ?

① 厚薄空间:堆放物品时的侧面









④ 前后:使用频率不同的收纳



