Through my writing, I tried to explore the more microscopic perspectives of social culture, and discusses what designers should and should not do, in order to improve the ethics and innovative capacity in the community and society. I have contributed to mainstream publications such as Wuhan Publishing House Diary of a New Youth in the Countryside, SanDu Design°360 Concept & Design Magazine.
- 设计为叶,社会为枝:国奖访谈 / Design as Leaves, Society as a tree: National Scholarship Interview
- 关于中国九零后平面设计师的二十问 / 20 Questions about Post-90s Graphic Designers in China
- 杂食:书单论文集 / Omnivorous: Reading List (2021.4-2023.3)
- 物质史:书单论文集 / Material History: Reading List (2020.8-2021.3)
- 诶笔希滴噫挨福基:志愿者说/ abCDEFG: What Volunteers Say