守夜人建筑俱乐部 / Nightwatcher Arch Club

在地建筑及景观工作室 Architecture & Landscape Proposal of NWC


The Nightwatcher Club is an architectural studio founded in Wuhan, focusing on in situ revitalisation. The name “Nightwatcher” is based on the fact that the partners work in different time zones, and that discussions and drawings often take place late at night – the lantern and the night are the same composition, forming the left side of the logo; and the combination of the three words “守夜人” in italics expresses the relaxed and youthful atmosphere of the studio, and together with the lantern, expresses The combination of the three characters in italics, which express the relaxed and youthful atmosphere of the studio, together with the lantern, expresses an attitude of concern for the revitalisation of tradition.

The 1st Songyang Architectural Design Competition for Rural Revitalization Excellence Award

Asian Young Rookie Award Golden Award

China Creative Packaging Design Award 3rd Award

Yuanye Awards 2nd Award

Time Stamp | 2023/7/31
Member | Ruan Chengxin, Zhou Yilin, Wang Rui
Concept | Ruan Chengxin, Zhou Yilin, Wang Rui
Architecture Modeling & Render | Ruan Chengxin, Zhou Yilin
Display & Typeface & Layout | Wang Rui
Studio | The Nightwatcher Club

浅山契 / A Appointment with the Mountain

消隐的乡村 / Fade-in Village

浮浪之丘 / Wave Like Hills

未来时态 / Future Tence

飞檐溪 / Cornice & River

广寒计划 / Guanghan