设计为叶,社会为枝:国奖访谈 / Design as Leaves, Society as a tree: National Scholarship Interview
看见文化:书单论文集 / Gazing at Culture: Reading List (2023.4-2024.8)
Design 360° 观念与设计杂志:中国九零后设计师职业调查 / Career Investigation of China 90s Graphic Designers
体察、扎根:乡村振兴专访/ Observating, Rooting, Outlooking: Rural Revitalisation Annual Individual
杂食地读:书单论文集 / Variety: Reading List (2021.4-2023.3)
读物质史:书单论文集 / Material History: Reading List (2020.8-2021.3)
水泥地带上的’外卖‘沙发观察 / Dlivery Workers‘ Sofa on the Concrete
诶笔希滴噫挨福基:志愿者说/ abCDEFG: What Volunteers Say